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Second Grade

The second grade curriculum at BA is designed to foster growth and independence through learning experiences. Reading skills are developed by using picture books with strategically designed lessons and independent reading materials available in the classroom. The grammar program also uses the picture books as mentor text to target specific skills. Student writing takes form in story writing, process writing, editing and other special projects. In our math program, students will develop an understanding of multiplication and division, in addition to reviewing multiple-digit addition and subtraction skills. Students also form an understanding of fractions and equal parts. Other skills include telling time to the hour, counting money, geometry and patterns. The science program aims to develop a deeper understanding of topics discussed in previous years. Science is taught through hands-on activities, reading, writing, group research projects, and class discussions. Finally, the social studies program includes both map study skills that encompass community, United States, and the globe, as well as information about other cultures. Field trips related to specific learning areas enrich the classroom experience. 

Grade 2 Curriculum Guide

Amy Stimets
Second Grade Teacher
State Scholarshi